IR Policy

Basic Policy

Our basic approach is to disclose the information that our shareholders and investors need in a timely, appropriate and fair manner in order for them to make decisions concerning investment in our securities. We also actively engage in public relations activities to foster a deeper understanding among all stakeholders concerning our business activities.

Information Disclosure Standards

We conduct appropriate, timely and fair disclosure of corporate information, in compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law and related laws and the regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Further, we conduct proactive disclosure of other information, not required by laws or regulations, that we deem beneficial to our shareholders and investors in their making investment decisions, except in cases where disclosure is restricted by confidentiality agreements or where disclosure would be inappropriate due to the negative impact it might have on competitions.

Information Subject to Disclosure

  1. 1.Statutory Disclosures
  2. (1)Disclosures in Accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
    Securities registration statement, annual securities reports, semi-annual reports, extraordinary reports, etc.
    (2)Disclosures in Accordance with the Companies Act
    Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders, business reports, financial statements, consolidated financial statements, etc.

  3. 2.Disclosures Required by the Financial Instruments Exchange
  4. (1)Timely Disclosure
    Disclosures of information about corporate decisions and events occurred and financial information, etc. required by the Tokyo Stock Exchange   
    (2)Corporate Governance
    Corporate Governance Report

  5. 3.Other Information Disclosures
  6. (1)Presentation materials/videos
    (2)Integrated Report
    (3)Shareholder newsletters
    (4)Investor Relations (IR website)
    (5)Sustainability Report,etc

Internal System for Timely Disclosure

Our information disclosure contact(spokesperson)is the Chairman, President, Corporate Information Handling officer, and Vice President, finance and accounting department. In addition, we have established Corporate Communications Unit, as the Unit in charge of practical matters for the timely disclosure of our corporate information. The internal procedure for the timely disclosure is as follows:

  1. 1.Senior General Manager, Corporate Strategy & Planning Division, and the Corporate Communications Unit conduct exhaustive compilation of information for disclosures (information on decisions made by the Company, occurrence of material facts, and business results, etc.), and disclose this information in a timely manner that is mindful of fairness to investors.
  2. 2.To facilitate the operations mentioned above, all Divisions in the Company and Group companies promptly report to Senior General Manager, Corporate Strategy & Planning Division, any information on decisions or emergence of new information important via Corporate Communications Unit in accordance with the internal rules for corporate information disclosure. We also stipulate items that require Company approval and items that are regularly reported by the Group companies in accordance with the internal Group Regulations.
  3. 3.In line with the internal rules on administrative authority, the Corporate Communications Unit conducts its disclosure upon authorization made by the board of directors concerning issues related to disclosure of corporate resolutions, or upon authorization made by the management committee concerning other information, under the direction of Senior General Manager, Corporate Strategy & Planning Division. For urgent information, only upon the authorization of the President prior to the disclosure.
  4. 4.In line with the internal rules against insider trading, we maintain comprehensive control of all important internal information and prevent any insider trading.

The Audit Unit, independent from business departments and directly reporting to the President, monitors the organization and operation of the Company’s system for timely disclosure.

Internal System for Timely Disclosure

Internal System for Timely Disclosure

Disclosure Practices

In accordance with the regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, information is disclosed through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Information disclosed in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law is so disclosed. Other information not required by laws and regulations, depending on the contents of the information, is disclosed through TDnet, and to be released to the media or to be posted on our website.

Information disclosed through TDnet, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, or the media, is promptly posted to our website, with the aim of reaching as wide as possible to the public.
Click here for the timely disclosure service of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (in Japanese only)

Quiet Period

The three weeks prior to the announcement of business results (including quarterly reports) are deemed as the “quiet period”, in order to prevent information leaks and to maintain disclosure fairness. During this quiet period, we will refrain from commenting on and answering inquiries related to business results. However, should it prove necessary to substantially revise forecasts during the quiet period, this information will be appropriately released.

Forward-Looking Statements

Our disclosure information may include forward-looking information that reflects the plan and expectations of the Company. Such forward-looking information is based on the current assumptions and judgment of the Company in light of the information currently available to it, and involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors may cause the Company’s performance, achievements or financial position to be materially different from any future results, performance, achievements or financial position expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include, without limitation:

  • Price volatility and change in demand in crude oil and natural gas
  • Volatility of foreign exchange rate, interest rate and other factors
  • Change in costs and other expenses pertaining to exploration, development and production
  • Change in contracts, taxes or other conditions in the countries in which we are engaged in production

The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise the disclosure of information in this presentation (including forward-looking information) after the date of that disclosure.

IR Activities in Fiscal 2023

INPEX IR Activities
INPEX is committed to timely and appropriate disclosure of information to shareholders and investors and to close communication with them. Feedback received from shareholders and investors is regularly reported to management as part of our efforts to enhance corporate value.
Overview of IR Activities
Starting from the fiscal year 2024, we have fully resumed face-to-face IR activities, such as overseas road shows and facility tours for institutional investors, analysts, and individual investors. INPEX’s spokespersons include the Representative Director and Chairman; Representative Director, President and CEO; Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy & Planning; and Senior Vice President, Finance & Accounting. Our Corporate Communications Unit is in charge of practical matters related to IR activities.
Over the last three fiscal years, the following meetings were held to actively exchange views on INPEX’s Long-term Strategy and Medium-term Business Plan, financial forecasts, cash allocation, shareholder returns, the situation of Ichthys and other projects, climate change actions, corporate governance, and other topics. In fiscal 2023, INPEX also held its first Investor Day.Opinions and concerns raised by shareholders and investors through such dialogue have been fed back to INPEX’s management and Board of Directors in principle four times a year. They are receiving such feedback about four times a year from fiscal 2023 onward.

Activities Events in fiscal 2021 Events in fiscal 2022 Events in fiscal 2023
One-on-one meetings with Japanese institutional investors and analysts 140 128 149
One-on-one meetings with overseas institutional investors and analysts 89 100 119
Financial results briefings for institutional investors and analysts (live streaming provided since 2022 with Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation) 2 2 2
Business briefings for institutional investors and analysts 0 0 1
Overseas road shows 0 1 1
Conferences organized by securities companies 5 5 6
Briefings for individual investors 2 5 4