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  2. 2.We use a highly reliable registration system employed by about 200 listed companies in Japan.
  3. 3.Registration is free. Updating or suspending the service is easy should you decide to do so.





INPEX has announced news release today as follows:
Please click the each URL below:


Consolidated Financial Results
for the year ended December 31, 20XX


Financial Results for the year ended December 31, 20XX
Support Material


If you need other information about us,
Please click the New URL below:


  Investor Relations Group
  Akasaka Biz Tower 32F
  5-3-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku,Tokyo 107-6332,Japan
  Tel: +81 3 5572 0750


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Please be aware

  • The emails we send are not formatted for mobile phone usage.
  • The emails are sent from a dedicated email account.
  • Your email address will not be used for any purpose other than for this service.

    Our basic policy on protection of personal information is here:

    Personal information protection policy of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and
    Banking is here:

  • This service is intended to provide you with the latest information and news releases about the Inpex Group, and is not meant to solicit investments.

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