Unit Conversion

Crude oil Natural gas Sales gas LPG LNG
1kl ≈ 6.29bbl 1cf ≈ 966Btu* 1m³ ≈ 35.315cf 1ton ≈7.542BOE 1ton ≈ 8.0BOE ≈ 1,360m³ (Natural gas) ≈ 44MMBtu*
1ton ≈ 7.33bbl 1Bm³ ≈ 735Mton (LNG)
1bbl ≈ 6,003cf (Natural gas) 1000MMcf ≈ 21Mton (LNG)

* British Thermal Unit
Note: Unit-equivalent figures are estimates. We cannot guarantee those figures' accuracy as applied to dealing or verification.
Source : The Energy Institute (EI) Statistical Review of World Energy 2023

Unit Conversion Applications
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This is an unit conversion application specific for oil and natural gas. Users can easily and conveniently convert such units as barrels, tons, and btu.

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