Visit the newest INPEX Sustainability Report


Sustainability Report 2022 (for FY2021)

Sustainability Report 2022 (for FY2021)

Supply Chain Management

Our Policy

As a company that manages projects in about 20 countries worldwide, INPEX recognizes its important role in fair and impartial procurement and supply chain management. Our Details on Ethical Procurement Guideline expressly prohibits impediments to fair and impartial competition, abuse of a dominant bargaining position, and inappropriate granting or receipt of benefits, and requires protection of the confidentiality of suppliers’ information and technologies. In addition to that fundamental policy on procurement, we require our executives and employees to comply with our Code of Conduct and Sustainability Principles for the purpose of fair and impartial procurement. We also require suppliers to comply with labor and environmental laws and regulations, prevent corruption, and respect the INPEX Group Human Rights Policy. These requirements are built into our standard contracts. We manage suppliers’ continued commitment through regular surveys and monitoring.

Related links

Details on Ethical Procurement Guideline

Supplier Code of Conduct

Supply Chain Management (graphic)

Management System

The Compliance Committee consists of directors and executive officers, including the Senior Vice President of Logistics & IMT, which is the division responsible for supply chain management. The committee is chaired by the director in charge of compliance and meets regularly to ensure strict compliance with corporate ethics and behavior in accordance with the Details on Ethical Procurement Guideline and Code of Conduct. In FY2021, the Sustainability Committee discussed external assessments of our supply chain management, and our initiatives in this area.